There were many contrasts. Rugged, thick jungles amid the hils on an island with beautiful beaches; a rural community nearly living off everything local from tropical fruits to free range chickens in the outback of an island ringed with modern shops and technology; retirees living within often meagre means while boisterous youth zip about in souped up cars.
For sure the culture is intact and I spent my days shooting little and learning more about the land than recording it. And trying to understand how a thriving agrarian community went belly up, severing families, traditions and family land plots for reasons that to me only seem related to politics and policy. But there is much to learn and in the coming years I will add to my imagery and understanding.
My story is about chickens, though. Ironic that within an American territory chicken fighting is legal. I'll make no social commentary but stand only to observe.

Prepping for a win: Sacks keep shaved legs warm at night.

Now retired, Sammy's fighter lives a good life.

The training room with unsuspecting hens grazing.

The day's work done, men play dominoes in the drive.
It all would have been a mystery to me had it not been for the gracious hospitality of my hosts. My appreciation and heartfelt thanks goes out to all those who exerted such kindness to me. I look forward to new traditions of late night music and morning fresh picked orange juice!
Thanks for reading.