Thursday, March 4, 2010

Dr. Wagreich, the Photographer?

Photography is a lot like being a doctor. Really. Patients step into a sterile white office and just as a matter of course, reveal an intimate and sometimes private part of themselves to a complete stranger. Something they wouldn't even share with a friend of spouse.

And yes, there's an odd parallel with photography. A brief window into a subject's soul opens up and I am gifted with an intimate moment with a complete stranger. It doesn't happen with everyone but when it does it's a wonderful part of what I do. Knowing folks and learning about what makes them tick is a draw for me to the profession. That's about as close to a parallel as I can draw to my grandfathers who were both doctors.

So after weeks of navigating the turbid waters of e-mails and voice mails with his handlers and PR folks, I managed to carve out 15 minutes and four setups with Steve Forbes at the Forbes headquarters in Manhattan. For all the hype and hullabaloo that was created I managed to forge a brief connection for a few minutes chatting with and photographing this highly personable and sensitive individual full of passion, and yes opinion, about the world.


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