Monday, May 31, 2010

Kim and Kevin

Congratulations to Kim and Kevin who were married May 22, 2010, at the Masonic Temple in Alexandria, VA. It was an incredibly beautiful wedding in a gorgeous setting and we wish many best wishes to them both – and to Cinco who was amazingly behaved despite being overwhelmed with excitement on his parent's big day.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Brownies In My Equipment Case

The Bay Area's got a lot of great things going on and one of my more favorite assignments was to photograph the brothers at the Sugar Bowl Bakery in the East Bay where I conspicuously parked my gear under a conveyor and had brownie crumbs drop in all afternoon.

If you shop at Safeway or at Starbucks then you know their products -- those scrumptuous one-bite brownies and doughnuts among other tasty treats. Their success is at the end of a long road, starting as refugees in Malaysia and is an amazing testament to how perseverance and opportunity can make the American dream come alive.


Thursday, April 29, 2010

L.A.'s Crematorium

I've been working on a series for years on where we go when we die. Not so much about death but the mechanics of where our bodies go at various stages of post life. It's not all about cemeteries, you'd be surprised. Here's the latest installment from Los Angeles County's crematorium.

The Los Angeles County crematorium

The gravesite marking the ashes from the unidentified people cremated in 1999.

The smell of burning remains filled the air around the facility.

The crematorium used to sit on the adjacent Evergreen Cemetery.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Dr. Wagreich, the Photographer?

Photography is a lot like being a doctor. Really. Patients step into a sterile white office and just as a matter of course, reveal an intimate and sometimes private part of themselves to a complete stranger. Something they wouldn't even share with a friend of spouse.

And yes, there's an odd parallel with photography. A brief window into a subject's soul opens up and I am gifted with an intimate moment with a complete stranger. It doesn't happen with everyone but when it does it's a wonderful part of what I do. Knowing folks and learning about what makes them tick is a draw for me to the profession. That's about as close to a parallel as I can draw to my grandfathers who were both doctors.

So after weeks of navigating the turbid waters of e-mails and voice mails with his handlers and PR folks, I managed to carve out 15 minutes and four setups with Steve Forbes at the Forbes headquarters in Manhattan. For all the hype and hullabaloo that was created I managed to forge a brief connection for a few minutes chatting with and photographing this highly personable and sensitive individual full of passion, and yes opinion, about the world.


Monday, February 15, 2010

The Aftermath

Will all the excitement about the snow I took a breather and headed out to some favorite spots in the George Washington National Forest for some quiet time.

Happy shoveling!


Monday, February 1, 2010

Bridget and Chris

Bridget and Chris' wintery wedding was a fantastic collaboration between bride and groom as art directors, photographer and mother nature at the Briar Patch Inn in Middleburg, Virginia. While Chris shared his artistic eye and playful spirit, Bridget called on mother nature to grant her wish of snow and ML and I were there to capture so many unique and wonderful moments. Most brides would shudder at the thought of a snowstorm on their wedding day but we all had a little twinkle in our eyes for the good fortune it brought us in pictures. Or perhaps it was the Natty Boh! Thanks to all the stars that aligned it was a memorable Saturday.

Chris put his talented skills as an illustrator onto a pint glass party favor - a rendition of a photo from our engagement session!

For about 10 minutes nobody breathed as we hijacked the bride's dress about 100 yards out to the barn in a snowstorm.

Yes, that's a Steeler's garter.

When we contacted the owners to let us shoot at the barn they thought we were a little crazy

Bridget's sister crafted this cake, rolling thousands of sugar balls.

Natty Boh (3rd from left) and friends

Post-dollar dance mayhem

Thanks all for a great day.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bring it on Darryl and Ron!

Talented artist musicians Darryl and Ron rocked the studio recently with a fresh look for their marketing and album art. It was such a pleasure to work with motivated creatives and we brought down the house during an awesome session. Thanks guys for giving me your trust and your best!
